The Oregon Prescribed Fire Council held our Annual Meeting at the Enchanted Forest in Grants Pass, Oregon on June 17th-18th.
This event convened prescribed fire leaders from all across the state for an engaging two days of informational sessions, a multi-site field tour, traditional salmon bake, and OPFC’s first ever awards ceremony!

This meeting was made possible by our partners at the Oregon Department of Forestry. It was planned and attended by friends from the Table Rock Foundation, USDA Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, Rogue Valley PBA, Oregon State University, members of the Modac, Takelma and Cow Creek tribes, Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative, Northwest Fire Science Consortium, Lomakatsi Restoration Project, Lake County Umbrella Watershed Council, Grayback Forestry, Southern Oregon University, Long Tom Watershed Council, Ecostudies Institute, Illinois Valley Fire Resilience Group, Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and Sustainable Northwest.

  • Our 2024 Annual meeting was hosted in Grants Pass, OR at a site known as the Enchanted Forest, owned and stewarded by community elder Brenda Patton. Brenda established the Table Rock Foundation in 1996 with her late husband Jann Patton and their friend Phil Hart - work that she continues today. The foundation champions humanitarian, cultural, and environmental efforts through global education and community engagement, all based on the 375-acre Enchanted Forest property on the ancestral lands of the Takelma, Shasta, and Latgawa peoples. The Enchanted Forest has been stewarded by the Pattons since 1977, and they received recognition as "Tree Farmers of the Year'' in 1988 for their efforts to enrich the property for various uses, including fire management and youth camps.


2024 Awards

  • Autumn Muir

    Lake County Umbrella Watershed Council

  • Aaron Krikava and Chris Adlam

    Rogue Valley PBA

  • John Punches

    OSU Extension